Many people with FCS have never met anyone else with the condition.  Sharing your experience helps others understand that they are not alone and allows people interested in FCS to understand the impact it has on all our lives.

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I was born in 1967 at the Woolwich Hospital for Mothers and Babies. Shortly after my birth, I became seriously ill and it was clear that all was by no means well. The doctors at my local hospital were unable to diagnose the problem and my condition was deteriorating fast.

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I was born in 1949 in Jonquière a city of Saguenay-Lac St-Jean that is a north east region of Québec province. As a newborn, because of FCS, I’ve been sent in emergency by plane to Montreal at Hôpital Sainte-Justine (children’s hospital). At that time the diagnosis was much more difficult than actually.

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Throughout my childhood, my diet was very strictly monitored and managed by my ultra-vigilant mother who succeeded in cooking the most delicious meals for us without a trace of oil or fat. Back in the early 80’s food labeling was unsophisticated and poorly regulated, which resulted in endless hours spent in supermarket aisles trying to figure out the true fat content of products that were often placed back on the shelf out of fear of being incompatible with our diets.

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At age 15 I was diagnosed with familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency. I didn’t think much of it, I ignored my recommended low fat diet. Unfortunately, the consequence for my ignorance was not unnoticed. I have serious abdominal pains frequently, and I get very sick when I eat things with a high fat content.

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Listen to Lindsey talk frankly about the impact of living with FCS.

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